Ministerul Afacerilor Interne (MAI) transmite vineri, că România se numără printre țările cu cel mai scăzut nivel al criminalității, oferind o situație mai favorabilă decât multe state vest-europene. Potrivit rapoartelor Departamentului de Stat al SUA și ale Comisiei Europene, România este recunoscută drept o țară sigură pentru cetățeni și turiști. ”În „Raportul pentru cetăţenii americani […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Romania has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe and is considered a safe country for citizens and tourists.
The text cites reports from the US Department of State and the European Commission that highlight Romania's progress in combating crime, and states that the country has registered figures below the European and international average for offences like theft, robbery, and violent crimes.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Romania has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe and is considered a safe country for citizens and tourists. The text cites reports from the US Department of State and the European Commission that highlight Romania's progress in combating crime, and states that the country has registered figures below the European and international average for offences like theft, robbery, and violent crimes.